The Land

Getting power use under control

Getting power use under control
Getting power use under control

Advertiser content by Flow Power.

AS a nation we're using more energy in times of peak demand making it more difficult to control our electricity costs, particularly with summer approaching and forecasts predicting power prices to rise up to 20 percent. 

Smarter energy use on farm can take an enormous load off your business, offering farmers greater stability and a reliable power supply at a more affordable price. 

With the aim of alleviating these pressures and empowering farmers, B2B electricity retailer, Flow Power has joined the Australian Energy Market Operator’s (AEMO) Advancing Renewables Program – Demand Response which is funded by ARENA and the NSW Government. 

The three-year Energy Under Control project will help to manage peak demand on the NSW grid. The program will involve energy users shifting their power use out of the peak times. This will effectively bring costs down for users and minimise the need for infrastructure development. 

As part of this solution, Flow Power will work with farms and businesses to install the kWatch Intelligent Controller, that will revolutionise the way businesses control their energy usage, allowing them to be even more involved in demand response programs.

The controller is a simple, cost-effective device that allows farmers to view their electricity demand and usage in real time, and set up custom alerts and actions based on operational needs on site and remotely.

Farmers are a perfect candidate for these programs because they can be clever about their local generation, pumps and other equipment.

Demand response is another way to take advantage of the changing power market, making the most of price decreases when demand drops and limiting usage when demand rises and prices escalate.

Farmers will have the ability to leverage their energy usage as a source of income and receive activation payments through the program – in practical terms, this could mean tens of thousands of dollars in additional revenue.

One system to rule them all

Getting power use under control
Getting power use under control

The kWatch Intelligent Controller provides greater transparency and control over electricity use through live data feeds, alerts and automation.

Monitoring electricity usage consistently can be a challenge when running a multifaceted business or a number of properties.

Having access to the wholesale market offers greater insight on the market’s changing prices, helping customers to plan accordingly and focus on their business rather than the possibility of bill shocks.   

“We created the controller ourselves and manufacture them in Victoria. It’s part of a complete system that makes power easy to manage,” said CEO and founder of Flow Power, Matthew van der Linden.

Flow Power can provide customers with weekly market reports and prior notices to imminent involuntary load sharing or low reserves. 

The controller not only monitors electricity usage but can watch temperature, wind speed and air pressure. 

With variable market conditions the controller also alerts customers in advance to plan accordingly to events such as poor wind generation, extremely hot days, weak solar generation or failed generators. 

Getting power use under control
Getting power use under control

This unrivalled level of flexibility and reliability offers businesses extra peace of mind, knowing the controller has the ability to power down equipment when needed, transfer to a generator to stay online or coordinate a response to price changes across multiple devices and sites.

Getting set up for summer is as easy as the system itself:

- Have a kWatch assessment with a power expert over the phone to confirm it suits your business.

- Review and sign a RERT agreement with Flow Power and confirm your sites.

- Expert installers visit your site to install and configure the system.

- You’re live – it’s as easy as that.

To sign up or find out more about switching to wholesale electricity or information on the solutions offered by Flow Power, visit or call 1300 08 06 08.

Advertiser content by Flow Power